Sage Tea 100 gr

3.000 IQD

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What is sage tea?

The plant, which is called sage because it was first brought to Istanbul from Marmara Island, is also known as bitter apple in the Aegean region. Sage leaves, a medicinal and aromatic plant, can be drunk as a tea when boiled or used to obtain its essence or in other words its essential oil.

How is sage tea brewed?

Although sage is usually made by boiling, it actually needs to be prepared by fermentation. In this way, the nutritional values ​​are better preserved and a more intense sage flavor can be obtained.

Keeping it in boiling water for too long will cause the plant to lose its beneficial effects and the tea may taste bitter. It is suggested that boiling sage tea for more than two minutes can release toxic components and make the tea harmful.

Approximately 2 grams of sage tea is added to 200-250 ml of boiling water and steeped for 10 minutes. The leaves are filtered and served in a cup.

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