Jumbo Dried Apricots 1 kilo

17.000 IQD

First class quality, natural and fresh – in vacuum sealed packaging


مشمش مجفف جامبو حجم 1 كيلو في عبوة مقفلة و مفرغة من الهواء

Dried apricots jumbo size 1 kg in a sealed and vacuum package

It is a first-class natural and local product in a larger size of 100%.
It does not contain moisture, is really soft and has a taste that makes your mouth water.

We ship our product in vacuum sealed 1 kg packages. Thus, you can close the packaging at any time and preserve its freshness.

You will not be able to give up after you get used to the quality of our products, which we offer with a guarantee of freshness!

Store in a cool dry place.

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