Cashew (Anacardium occidentale) is a tropical climate plant of the gum tree family (Anacardiaceae). It was bred in Brazil and introduced to the world by the Portuguese. The area where they are most concentrated is around the equator.
When the Portuguese invaded Brazil in the early 16th century, they also discovered the cashew tree. Portuguese sailors carried cashew seeds from Brazil to the coast of West Africa and enabled the Portuguese, who first settled in these lands, to plant them there.
The rainy and humid tropical climate is very suitable for cashew tree propagation. Because of its climate, the cashew tree easily adapted to the coasts of West Africa and began to spread rapidly. It has spread from countries such as Gabon, Angola and Namibia on the west coast of Africa to countries in East Africa, Mozambique, Kenya and Tanzania.
Benefits of roasted cashews
Contains antioxidants.
The magnesium present in cashews relaxes the veins and muscles.
Cashews contain high quality minerals, especially magnesium and selenium. Therefore, cashews have antioxidant properties, which are good for overall health. Cashews contain acids that are beneficial for the digestive system, keeping the acid level at a healthy level.
It is a first class 100% natural product.
Roasted cashews will be the choice of everyone who wants to eat healthy.
What are cashews?
The cashew fruit is a fruit native to northern Brazil. About half a century ago, the Portuguese colonies began exporting cashews to the whole world. The cashew tree is a tropical tree that can stay green for 4 seasons and produce cashews and apples.
The nut we know is actually the seed of the tree’s fruit (as shown below in the image). The cashew tree grows in rainy regions with a tropical climate. Currently, Vietnam, Nigeria, India and Ivory Coast are among the countries where cashew production is the most.

cashew tree
When one handful of cashew nuts is eaten daily, it will provide various benefits to your body.
We ship our products in vacuum sealed 200 gr packages. Thus, you can close the packaging at any time and preserve its freshness.
Nutritional value of 100 grams of product:
562 kcal for energy, 20g protein, 36g fat (30g trans fat), 33g carbohydrates, 0g cholesterol.
You will not be able to give up after you get used to the quality of our products, which we provide with a guarantee of freshness!
Store in a cool dry place.